Thursday, 27 June 2019

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 # (Softskill)

Nama  : Muhammad Dimas Ferdiansyah
NPM   : 14115541
Kelas  : 4KA23
Tugas  : English Tenses

1. Present Future
I will return your book this afternoon.
Transalte : saya akan mengembalikan buku anda sore ini
This setence uses present future "will return" because of the adverb of time "this afternoon".

2. Present Tense
I read one book every mounth
Translate : Saya membaca buku setiap hari
This setence uses use simple present tense "read" because of the verb of time "every mounth"

3. Past Tense
I went to Bromo with my family last week
Translate : Saya pergi ke Bromo bersama keluarga saya minggu lalu
This setence uses simple past tense "went" because of the verb of time "last week"

4. Present Perfect
My brother has started a new job this week
Translate : saudara saya sudah memulai pekerjaan baru minggu ini
This setence uses persent perfect "has started" because of the adverb of the time "this week"

5. Present Continuous
I am playing PUBG at home tomorrow morning
Translate : saya bermain PUBG dirumah besok pagi
This sentence uses present continuous "am playing" because of the adverb of the time "tomorrow morning"

6. Conjunction (Present Continuous)
While i am watching a movie, my mother is cooking rice
Translate : Sementara saya sedang menonton film, ibu saya sedang memasak nasi
This setences uses the conjunction while therefore the two tenses are used are in the present continuous "am watching" and "is cooking"

7. Conjunction (Past tense)
Translate : while my mother was cooking, my sister went to school
This sentence uses the conjunction while therefore the two tenses are used are in the past tense "was cooking" and "went to school"

8. Conjunction (Present Tense)
While i clean my car, my father go to work
Translate : sementara saya membersihkan mobil, ayah saya pergi bekerja
This setences uses the conjunction when therefore the two tenses are used are in the present tenses "clean" and "go"

9. Past Tense
My mother cooked fried rice for my birthday party last mounth
Translate : Ibu saya memasak nasi goreng untuk pesta ulang tahun saya bulan lalu
this sentence uses simple past tense "cooked" because of the adverb of the time "last mounth"

10. Present Continuous
I am going to the beach today
Translate : saya pergi ke pantai hari ini
This setence uses present continuous "am going" because of the adverb of the time "today"

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Monday, 3 December 2018

Monday, 5 November 2018

Thursday, 25 October 2018